Gluten-Free Cooking For One

Celiac And The Single Girl, Or: How To Make Food That Does Not Suck For One Person {Although I Suppose You Could Feed Other People, Too}


Who I Am: a dancer and dance teacher who loves to eat but has multiple food allergies and sensitivities, so going out to restaurants is usually more of a pain than it’s worth.

Why Start The Blog: I had never cooked very much until my recent divorce. My husband did almost all of the cooking in our 20-yr marriage, as he liked international foods and enjoyed the art and the science of working in the kitchen. After he moved out, I spent a little while doing all the typical singleton things: eating a lot of crackers with peanut butter, apples and cheese, etc. But eventually I started cooking more creatively because I *love* to eat, and after hearing others say, “it’s hardly worth cooking for one”, or “you just can’t make anything interesting for one person”, I thought I’d start this blog to encourage other people to start trying new things and to cook creatively in small batches.

Who Do I Think I Am, Anyway? Well, I’ll tell you right now that I’m not the world’s best cook. Some of the entertainment value in this blog will be watching some of my experiments go very, very wrong (and then maybe watching me fix them, over time). But I do seem to get things right sometimes. I hope you can improve my methods. 😀 I would love that, and please send me a note letting me know how!!

Also: Yes, I know. My photos may be pretty bad. I think I may still be a step up from the Martha Stewart school of food blogging though. 😉

One more caveat: my recipe writing skills are substandard, but I’m just following in a proud family tradition. My first recipe book, from my grandmother, contained a recipe for bbq ribs that was simply a listing of 3 ingredients (no oven heating instructions or time-to-cook, those things are clearly for sissies) and then simply the following helpful instruction: “prepare ribs as usual and then cook. Eat! Delicious.” I miss my grandma but have never made the ribs because I have no idea how and that recipe is no  @#$% help. lol I make boxed pudding cake and highballs instead, as a more fitting tribute to her memory. Here’s to Grandma. xoxo

OK. Go, read. “Prepare foods and then cook. Eat! Good luck.”


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